• Industries

  • Growth hacking and creative marketing ideas for design industry

    Discover the best growth hacking and creative marketing ideas for the design industry. If you want to know how to implement growth hacking methodology for your design bussines, you're in the right place. Marketing campaigns and experiments focused on increasing the number of projects and clients portfolio from the most creative growth and marketing teams in the world along with a step by step guide on methdology implementation.

    Explain and showcase your best campaign

    Pentagram knows well that for a design company, portfolio is everything. The company explains the why behind their top campaigns and makes sure that all their excellent work is showcased on their web. You should always WOW your potential clients through impressive campaigns of your existing ones.

    Natalia Natalia

    Interview, interview, interview

    Sagmeister & walsh get all the interviews they can in big (and not so big) websites that specialise in design. Make sure to get the most of third party channels and try to give at least one interview a week!

    Natalia Natalia

    Explain the journey to your top work

    Explaining visually the complete journey between your clients AS IS vs TO BE can be an excellent way to get closer to your potential clients and get some amazing word of mouth. Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv are doing it, why shouldn't you?

    Natalia Natalia

    Growth Hacking is an accelerated growth practice that encompasses a set of techniques used in marketing with the aim of achieving the highest business growth for the lowest cost and in the shortest term.

    Although this practice arose in the context of startups, this discipline is being increasingly extended to all kinds of companies, including design companies.

    It can be seen as part of the online marketing ecosystem, since in many cases growth hackers are efficient in the use of techniques such as search engine optimization, website analytics, internet advertising and A / B testing.

    A unique characteristic of Growth Hacking is that growth is an objective and ultimate goal. This means that the path you take to get there can be very varied: You can use marketing techniques, actions in product design, general business strategies or innovative and disruptive experimentation practices that do not fit into established systems.

    In the design sector, the methods for growth tend to revolve around certain areas: Reaching larger companies, achieving larger projects, increasing the client portfolio and / or loyalty to those we already have to continue providing the service throughout your life and have us as the agency of reference. Finally, there are also some design studios that want to cover the area of ​​more daring and innovative projects as well.

    Whatever the goal, it must be SMART, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and temporary.

    For example: "We want to achieve our first larger project in a maximum time of 3 months."

    All right; Now that the objective is defined, how are we going to achieve it? The strategy that we establish (called a driver) must be the one that we consider to be the most efficient. In other words, it must be the one that we believe will allow us to achieve more with the least possible effort

    • How are we going to achieve our first major project?
    •  Would we achieve this if we transmitted more trust through the web
    • Could we participate voluntarily and collaboratively in some large projects to achieve the first success stories
    • Could we try to specifically impress a client that we would love to be able to work for?

    When we choose the most optimal driver, we will actuate it through experiments. The experiments are those specific actions that we will carry out to achieve our objective; that is, they are the set of small actions that will make up the larger strategy.

    • If we choose to impress a specific client, could we design a suitable project for him of what we would really do in the case of being his reference agency
    • Can we establish contact with people who work for the brand in question?
    •  Can we choose to be present at industry events that the client attends?

    Each experiment that we run must be monitored and recorded in order to proceed to the last step.

    Finally, after conducting the experiments, we must leave a record of each of them, noting what we have done, the results we have obtained and what lessons we have learned.

    This will allow us to know in the future what works and what does not, becoming more and more efficient and effective thanks to the entire database that we will be creating.

    If you are interested in knowing more about drivers and experiments to carry out to grow a design studio, you can register at Hypertry and consult us. There you can see the latest ideas and trends in the sector.

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